Python Online Course

Now, learn programming languages in the comfort of your home, in any part of the world. I can help you learn programming in Python for your university, college or school exams.

The syllabus as shown alongside is a typical syllabus for most exams. I can modify the topics covered as per your exam syllabus.

This is a core module on Computer science and Programming. The module is introductory in nature and assumes no prior programming knowledge. The module includes computing practicals.

All teaching is online through live (not recorded) lectures wherein you will be able to interact with me in real-time and get your difficulties solved immediately.

A very practical and hands-on approach is taken in this module to teaching programming. By the end of the module, students will have written at least 75 programs in Python. 


  • Solved programs
  • PDF Exercise sheets
  • Practical Tips
  • Difficulty Solving Sessions

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module students should:

  • Be familiar with the important topics in computer programming.
  • Understand the fundamental elements of a programming language such as variables, assignment, conditional statements, loops, input/output, arrays, functions, etc.
  • Be able to design algorithms to solve simple problems.
  • Be able to write computer programs using the language elements in Python to implement algorithms.
  • Be able to successfully run Python programs.
  • Be able to evaluate programs to find errors.
  • Be aware of the basics of object-oriented programming.

Who can benefit from this course:

  • Students of computer science, information technology, bioinformatics, mathematical sciences such as physics, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, social sciences, engineering, etc
  • Students pursuing or planning to pursue a course at undergraduate or graduate level in any University.
  • Students switching from non-computing background to computing / IT-related background
  • Students from commerce / economics / finance background
  • Teachers planning to teach this course in their own college / university / school

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TELEGRAM (Message to):
1 Introduction to Programming and differences between programming languages
2 Interpreter and Compiler
3 Python Environment setup
4 Identifiers
5 Reserved Words
6 Indentation
7 Multiline statements
8 Comments and how to write human-readable programs
9 Quotation
10 Blank lines and their importance
11 Waiting for User input
12 Multiple Statements
13 Command Line Arguments
14 Parsing Command Line Arguments
15 Variables and Data Types
16 Numbers – decimal and binary
17 Strings
18 Lists
19 Tuples
20 Dictionary
21 Data Type Conversion
22 Operators in Python
23 Arithmetic Operators
24 Assignment Operators
25 Comparison Operators
26 Logical Operators
27 Bitwise Operators
28 Membership Operators
29 Identity Operators
30 Precedence Table for Operators
31 Decision making statements
32 IF statement
33 IF … ELIF—ELSE statement
34 Nested IF statements
35 Need for Loops
36 while loop
37 for loop
38 loop control statements
39 break statement
40 continue statement
41 pass statement
42 Generator and Iterator
43 Mathematical Functions in Python
44 abs()
45 ceil()
46 floor()
47 exp()
48 max()
49 min()
50 modf()
51 fabs()
52 log()
53 log10()
54 sqrt()
55 pow()
56 round()
57 Random Number Functions
58 Trigonometric Functions
59 Constants in Python
60 Strings and String Handling Functions
61 Escape Characters
62 Updating Strings
63 String formatting
64 Triple Quotes
65 Unicode
66 String Handling Functions
67 count()
68 capitalize()
69 center()
70 encode()
71 decode()
72 find()
73 index()
74 isalnum()
75 isdigit()
76 isnumeric()
77 islower()
78 isupper()
79 lower()
80 ljust()
81 len()
82 join()
83 isspace()
84 istitle()
85 isspace()
86 replace()
87 swapcase()
88 startswith()
89 split()
90 splitlines()
91 rjust()
92 rindex()
93 lstrip()
94 maketrans()
95 isdecimal()
96 zfill()
97 upper()
98 translate()
99 title()
100 swapcase()
101 strip()
102 startswith()
103 Lists in Python
104 Accessing values in Lists
105 Updating Lists
106 Delete List Elements
107 List Operations
108 Indexing and Slicing
109 Builtin List Functions
110 len()
111 max()
112 min()
113 list()
114 append()
115 remove()
116 count()
117 extend()
118 sort()
119 reverse()
120 remove()
121 pop()
122 insert()
123 index()
124 Python Tuples
125 Accessing values in Tuples
126 Updating Tuples
127 Deleting element in tuple
128 Basic Tuple Operations
129 Slicing, Indexing and Matrices
130 Builtin Tuple Functions
131 Tuple len() function
132 Tupe max() function
133 Tuple min() function
134 Python Dictionary
135 Accessing Values in a Dictionary
136 Update dictionary
137 Delete Dictionary Elements
138 Dictionary Keys
139 Dictionary Functions & Methods – 12
140 Date & Time functions in Python
141 User-Defined Functions in Python
142 Pass by reference
143 Pass by Value
144 default arguments
145 Keyword arguments
146 Variable length args
147 return statement
148 anonymous functions, map, filter, reduce and lambda functions
149 global and local variables
150 Modules in Python
151 import statement
152 from…import statement
153 Modules as scripts
154 Namespaces and scoping
155 Packages in Python
156 Python File I/O
157 Printing to screen
158 Read from keyboard
159 Input function
160 Concept of file
161 File naming rules
162 File object attributes
163 Reading and Writing Files
164 File Positions
165 File operations – delete and rename
166 Directories
167 File Methods
168 Directory Methods
169 Python Exception Handling
170 What is an exception?
171 Standard exceptions
172 Assertions in Exceptions
173 Exception Handling Techniques
174 try-finally
175 except clause
176 Raising an exception
177 User-defined Exceptions
178 Object-Oriented Python
179 Custom Type Objects, classes, methods, Inheritance, instances, multiple inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
180 Regular Expressions
181 Numpy basics
182 Pandas Basics
183 Data Visualisation in Python
184 5 Applications to Physics/Chemistry
185 5 Applications to Mathematics / Statistics
Each section includes a number of programs to explain the concepts. Programs are based on syllabi of various state boards and University exams.