
About courses and competitive exams.

Data Analyst vs. Business Analyst

Choosing between data analyst and business analyst courses can be tricky. Both are concerned with the world of analysis, but their approaches differ. Let’s break down the key distinctions to help you pick the perfect path: 1. Focus and Purpose:… Read More ›

Careers in Quantum Technology – Futureproof your Career

India is investing heavily in quantum technology, with a budget of INR 8000 cr (USD 1200 million) for a five-year mission. This is opening up new frontiers in computing, communications, cyber security and other applications. Quantum technology is expected to be a multibillion dollar industry by 2030.

Is Mathematics important for study of Life Sciences?

Mathematics is used in a wide variety of ways in the life sciences, from analyzing data to developing models to understand biological processes. For example, calculus can be used to study the rates of change of biological processes, such as population growth and disease spread. Differential equations can be used to model the dynamics of biological systems, such as the spread of infectious diseases and the movement of substances in the body. Linear algebra can be used to analyze and understand biological networks, such as genetic networks and neural networks.

The use of mathematics in the biological sciences allows researchers to gain a more detailed and accurate understanding of complex biological systems, and to make more informed decisions about how to address challenges in the field.

Mechanical Engineering in the Age of Industry 4.0: Why It’s Still a Great Career Choice

Mechanical engineering is a core branch of engineering with a wide range of applications. Mechanical engineers are in demand for their skills in designing, analyzing, manufacturing, and maintaining machines and mechanical systems.

In the age of Industry 4.0, mechanical engineers with a background in software will be in high demand. They will be responsible for designing and developing autonomous equipment and vehicles, robots, and other smart machines.

If you are interested in a career in mechanical engineering, there are many courses available online that can help you get started. With the right skills and knowledge, you can be part of the next generation of mechanical engineers who are shaping the future of technology.

Math and Programming for BioTechnology and BioInformatics

Bioinformatics is a scientific discipline that deals with the collection, storage, retrieval, processing, analysis, and management of biological information by using computational techniques. This branch of science uses mathematics, statistics, biology, computer programming, and information technology to understand the biological… Read More ›

How do I decide on a post-graduation course? I am extremely confused. I have done computer science engineering and I had seemingly no interest in it while I was doing it.

These few points may help you. Do you wish to work in computer science, engineering and related fields? If yes, then it is advisable to go in for a PG degree in this field. If you want to utilize your… Read More ›